Type: Trailer, 1 Ton, 2 Wheel, Tank, Water, 250 Gallon
Government Number: G-527
Model: CC-1B
Manufacturer: Checker Cab Company
Date of Delivery: March 8th 1943
Serial Number: 2709
U.S.A. Number Registration Number: 0294301 (*Estimate)
Parts Manual: TM 10-1395
Maintenance Manual TM 10-1395
These are the correct chains used on the 1 Ton series trailers. The hook and bracket are both cast steel. The
1 Ton trailer used 12 links per chain. These chains will be used in the restoration of this trailer.
New Old Stock Inter-Vehicle Cable, left photo.
Chassis Wiring Harness, above photo.
Tail Light Brackets, left photo.
Production History: The Checker Cab Company produced 6,664 "Water Buffalo's" from 1942 through 1944.
The first production model was the CC-1, followed by the CC-1A, CC-1B and finally the CC-1C.
This "Water Buffalo" was produced under contract 374-2872 W-695, production order number: T-5255, for a total of 3,000 units
produced under this contract.
The U.S. Army Registration Number range assigned to this contract was 0293082 through 0295582. Mathematically, the
registration number for this trailer should be roughly: 0294301 (if all trailers that were produced by the Checker Cab Company
were accepted by the U.S. Army and none were diverted to any of the other branches of the military or used for testing, and
every trailer produced was assigned a registration number in sequence in relation to the manufactures serial number).
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