The Clark CA-1 Bulldozer was designed to be delivered by air. The left picture shows a CA-1 loaded for delivery by a
CG-4A Glider.
The center and right picture shows a CA-1 loaded for delivery by a C-47. This CA-1 appears to carry the Army Registration
Number 963351, which falls under Contract No. W-1088 eng. 2155, Tractor Serial No's CA-143229 to CA-1431015, Army
Registration No's 963300 to 964086. This CA-1 also carries a red or black "Spade" (The black spade was the regimental
recognition symbol of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division) and the insignia of the Aviation
Engineers of the IX Engineer Command. The three color rectangle with three bars denoted the shipping code for individual
unit equipment.  

This specific C-47 is painted in "Normandy" air recognition markings for the invasion of France, June 1944.
The CA-1 was used in the European and Pacific Theaters.
Clark CA-1 being readied for CG-4A Glider transport, above left photo.
This CA-1 belonging to the 326th Airborne Engineer Battalion, 101st Airborne Division is being loaded into a CG-4A Glider
during pre-June 6th 1944 invasion exercises. This CA-1 has had the front bladed removed, but can be seen just out of
view to the right of the glider, behind the CA-1. The serial number for this CG-4A is not visible. Of note are the absence of
leaves on the trees, the full sided winter enclosure on the MB/GPW 1/4 ton truck and the long winter coats.
Clark CA-1 after loading into CG-4A Glider, above right photo.
The front of this CA-1 is marked: 101 AB 326E A1.
One of the missions of the 326th Airborne Engineer Battalion during the invasion of Normandy, France on June 6th 1944
was Mission Chicago. Mission Chicago was the 27th Serial of 52 C-47 Skytrain aircraft of the 434th Troop Carrier
Squadron. These 52 C-47s towed and equal number of CG-4A Gliders. These gliders carried 155 Soldiers, 1 Clark CA-1
Bulldozer, 16 57mm anti-tank guns and 25 vehicles. Mission Chicago was primarily an artillery reinforcement mission, with
Battery A and B of the 81st Airborne Antiaircraft Battalion aboard 44 gliders and small elements of the 326th Airborne
Engineer Battalion, 101st Signal Company, a surgical team from the 326th Airborne Medical Company and an anti-tank
platoon of the 327th Glider Infantry Regiment on the remaining 8 gliders.
The designated Landing Zone was LZ-E, a mile wide area along the road connecting les Forges and Sainte-Marie-du-Mont.
At 0354 on D-Day, 49 of the 52 gliders released over the LZ. Only 6 landed correctly on the LZ, with another 15 landing in
fields within a half mile. The remaining gliders were scattered over 2 miles from the correct LZ.
Total casualties were 5 dead, 17 injured and 7 missing, to include Brigadier General Don F. Pratt, assistant division
commander. General Pratt was killed along with the co-pilot flying his glider. This incident was fictionalized in the movie
"Saving Private Ryan".
Left side of the Clark CA-1, above photo.
The original side mounted stowage boxes are missing, as well as many small parts. The front blade is
held in place with a section of chain due to loss of hydraulic pressure.
Rear view of the CA-1, above photo. The original rear mounted winch is missing.
Clark Equipment Company nomenclature plate, left photo.
This plate is located on the right side of the engine compartment, just behind the blade. The original color of the plate was
silver on green.
Waukesha Motor Company nomenclature plate, right photo.
This plate is located on the left side of the engine, just below the head.
Auxiliary Shipping Name Plate, left photo.
This plate is mounted under the Clark
nomenclature plate.

This style of plate was added to vehicles
for overseas shipment.
Corps of Engineers nomenclature plate,
left photo.

This plate is mounted on the rear of the
front blade.
The original Army registration number is
visible on the right side of the hood. The
only numbers still visible are "11342".

The registration number "9113429" would
have been painted on both sides of the
Clark CA-1 Production Info:

The following is a partial list of the Contract Numbers, Clark Serial Numbers and Army Registration Numbers for the Clark
CA-1. The Clark Serial Number can be broken down to the following:
Example: CA-1
(Vehicle Type)43(Year of Production)162(Vehicle Number)

Contract No. W-145-A eng.-511
Tractor Serial No. CA-1431 to No. CA-143162 (162 Vehicles Produced)
Army Registration No. 953463 to 953624

Contract No. W-1088 eng. (MSP)-2460
Tractor Serial No. CA-143193 to No. CA-143228 (135 Vehicles Produced)
Army Registration No. 977511 to 977546

Contract No. W-1088 eng. 2155
Tractor Serial No. CA-143229 to No. CA-1431015 (716 Vehicles Produced)
Army Registration No. 963300 to 964086

Contract No. W-1088 eng. 2165
Tractor Serial No. CA-1431016 to No. CA-1431121 (205 Vehicles Produced)
Army Registration No. 963144 to 963249
Type: Airborne Bulldozer (Tractor Crawler)
Government Number: G-XXX
Model: CA-1
Manufacturer: Clark Equipment Company
Buchanan, Michigan
Date of Delivery: March 25th 1944
Serial Number: 441475
Registration Number: 9113429
Maintenance Manual: TM 5-3020