1944 German Searchlight |
Left side of mounting base, left photo. This searchlight can be manually or remotely transversed and elevated. Nomenclature plate, right photo. This plate is marked: Bauart azf (azf is stamped), Baumuster GL 60/37 S (GL 60/37 S is stamped), Gerat-Nr. 126_61B (126_61B is stamped), Werk-Nr. 16711 (16711 is stamped), Anforderz (with blank block), Hersteller (with blank block). |
1944 German 171cm Searchlight, above left and right photo. The original application of this searchlight is uncertain. It is not marked to a specific branch of the German Armed Forces. It was possibly produced to be mounted on a vehicle or a fixed position. The mirror is marked: 24505/44 fwt 171mm. |