Type A-4 Walk Around Oxygen Bottle with AN 6022-1 Regulator, above left photo.
Close-up of decal on Type A-4 bottle, above right photo. This bottle was specifically made for the B-24
Liberator and has a part number of 32F24125.
Type E-1 Bombardier's Case, above left photo. Type E-2 Bombardier's Case, above right photo.
Type A-4 Navigator's Dead Reckoning Case, above left photo. Type A-6 Celestial Navigation Case, above right photo.
Type A-10A Sextant, above left photo. Type AN 5854-1 Sextant, above right photo.
Pilot's Navigation Kit, above left photo. B-24 Flight Check List and B-24 Load Adjuster with case, above right photo.
Type A-1 Aircraft Food Container, above left photo. Type FTG-3-1 Food Tray Galley, above right photo.
Type E-5 Emergency Sustenance Kit, above left photo. AN-R-2A One-Man Life Raft Parachute Kit, above right photo.
Type K-20 Aircraft Camera, above left photo.
Type A-14 Oxygen Mask with Storage Box and Stowage/Carry Bag, above right photo.
AN 6511-1 Seat Type Parachute Pack, above left photo.
Shipping boxes for .50 caliber ammunition, above right photo. Ammunition for aircraft machine-guns was usually pre-linked
when shipped. Ammunition would be removed from the shipping crate, carried onto the aircraft and stowed in the onboard
ammunition boxes.
AN-CRN-1 Navigation Buoy. The AN-CRN-1 was a low frequency buoy
used for homing purposes on pre-set frequencies between
1400-1750KC by aircraft equipped with any production model of Radio
Compass SCR-269. This system keyed at a rate of 180 times a minute
and interrupted every thirty seconds by a signal code letter which may
be either K, M, O, Q, X or Y.
The SCR-578-B "Gibson Girl" radio set was the primary aircraft
survival radio set used during World War Two. This system was
used for survival communications when an aircrew was forced out
of their aircraft. It had a reported range of 50 to 300 miles,
dependent upon conditions affecting radio transmission. The
nick-name "Gibson Girl" was given to this radio set due to its'
feminine curvy shape. The BC-778-D, or AN-CRT-3, radio set
shown in the left photo is a crystal controlled radio that operates
in the 500KC, Kilo Cycle range (known as Kilo Hertz/KHz today)
and 8280KC International Maritime Frequency range. The 8280KC
range was determined by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as the
world-wide Air Sea Rescue Frequency.
Oxygen bottle for oxygen/acetylene welding set, above and two left photos. This bottle was used by
ground personnel for repairing aircraft. The center photo shows property markings: U.S. ARMY and AIR
FORCES. The right photo shows bottle type: ICC-3A2260 H170928, W D (War Department) and dated 2 43
(February 1943).